you feel

program includes:

  • Twelve bi-weekly sessions (60-minute duration each - 12 hrs total) in person or virtually

  • Weekly wellness email including recipes, meditations, workouts, and more

  • Unlimited private chat between sessions

  • Six 15-minute “get back on the horse” calls

6-month program: the lifestyle overhaul

lost in your health journey and unsure where to start to make changes that will bring you to a place of stronger health and happiness; and that’s okay! We’ve all been there. Maybe you have a few ideas of where you’d ideally like your health path to lead and need support implementing that path forward, or maybe you have 0 ideas, but you just don’t feel well or like yourself and you’re ready to jump into a new chapter and invest in your wellbeing. Maybe you do feel pretty well-rounded in your health journey, but there are one or two areas that have just been major sticking points for years and you need support breaking through.

we will

dig deep into your health history and current wellness practices and work together to understand what you feel are your most important areas of focus moving forward. We won’t overhaul your entire life all at once - that’s typically not the best way to make meaningful, lasting change. We will set short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals, and create a path forward that feels not only manageable, but exciting! One foot in front of the other.

Throughout our 6 months together, you will get to know yourself better inside and out, simply by investing this time in all areas of your wellbeing. You will feel a transformation in your health journey from a place of uncertainty to a place of strength, comfort, and effortlessness as you achieve goal after goal, create health-centric habits that nourish you,  and build a toolbox to help you maintain your new path and thrive on your way forward.